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Provider PPI

Obtaining the RIGHT PRODUCTS, at the RIGHT PRICE, with commitment and compliance.

Provider PPI addresses 100% of a hospital's supply chain spend. While most GPOs provide standard group purchasing contracts for about 60% of a hospital’s spend, our clinician-based approach adds the other 40%. By partnering with key clinicians and specialty groups, we provide group purchasing savings for physician-preferred devices, pharmaceuticals, purchased services and supplies that other GPOs ignore, or are unable to effectively address.


In our unique model, clinicians collaborate to develop standards of utilization by product category to drive better patient care. We put purchasing power where it belongs — in physicians' hands — and entrust them to identify the most appropriate devices and supplies for a specific procedure. Once a protocol is developed, and our health care partners agree to comply, Provider PPI purchasing experts negotiate favored vendor contracts that drive down unit cost, encourage standardization, and provide value for Provider PPI members. Our continual involvement with physicians and health care professionals fosters an environment conducive to cutting edge technology as well as care pathways ensuring that hospitals of all sizes can continue to be leaders in the field of medicine.


The partnerships that we have developed with physicians as well as market leading medical device companies have proven to show tremendous benefits to the health care community. Partnering with Provider PPI not only ensures industry leading pricing on many Physician Preference Items, it also assists with the compliance of these contracts. Our clinical integration team acts as an extension of your facility by working with your physicians and health care professionals to ensure they are utilizing and are comfortable with the contracted items.


Given the ever-changing health care landscape, and the trend of declining reimbursements, providers are seeking every opportunity to save money. Needing to drive expenses out of the supply chain and other cost centers, providers are expecting more from their Group Purchasing Organization (GPO) than ever: more services, more solutions, more understanding, more creativity, and more value.


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